Thursday, May 6, 2010

This is pretty big

I'll go into this more later but an Electronista article that can be found here goes very much into the follow-up to what the FCC is doing since the Appeals court finding that they were overstepping their bounds in the recent Comcast case.

You might remember I have spoken at some sort of length that unlike how most of the news was covering it, that court decision wasn't really a blow to net neutrality so much as letting everyone know that it simply doesn't exist in the way things are now.  It didn't say anything about it becoming a reality down the line.  And, apparently based on the article linked above, it looks like the FCC is doing their best to move it that way.

So, just to recap some of the other stuff I've told you, the FCC a handful of years back declassified internet as a communication medium...meaning they were no longer the overseers of its content and how companies used was to be self-regulated, more or less. Now the FCC appears to be looking to undo that change of classification that occurred during the Bush Administration to regain control over the internet.

There is a lot here specific to each of the corporate and government interests involved, but I should have anew post out very soon first giving an overview of corporate interests on both sides and how that will really really hit marketers, and then where some of the individual interests have altered slightly over time and what their interests mean to both marketers and consumers assuming they win the argument.

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